High School Jitters: A Joshua 1:9 Story

“I have my clothes picked out and folded on the chair in my room, my school supplies are already in my backpack on my desk, and I have my shoes under the chair. Why do I feel like I’m forgetting something?” Clayton asks his dad.

“Do you have your class schedule in your binder?” his dad questions, thinking of what else there could be to have on his first day of school.

“I have my schedule and a map of the school with all my classes circled, and my locker!” Clayton exclaims.

“I remember my first day of high school,” Clayton’s older sister, Elora, says with a grin. “I was terrified. I think everyone was a foot taller than me. Even with my map and schedule, I could barely see the numbers on the doors. I was late for all my classes and everyone laughed at me. I think that was the most humiliating day of my life.” Elora bites the inside of her cheeks to keep from laughing out loud. The size of Clayton’s deer-like wide eyes make it even harder.

“Elora, stop pestering your brother. He’s scared enough as it is,” dad remarks. “Clayton, did you even sleep last night? You’re looking a little dark around the eyes, big guy.”

“I can’t help it, dad. It’s just too easy!” Elora says with a chuckle.  

“Sometimes lying can be the easier route, but we don’t do that either, do we, Elora?!” Clayton shoots back.  

“Touche, little brother. I’m sorry,” Elora offers with just a pinch of reluctance. Admitting her brother is right is a little hard to do. “What did we just learn in youth group last weekend, Clayton?” she asks, her face looking like she just realized the correct answer on a final exam.

“Oh yeah, we studied Joshua 1:9, ‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ Thanks, Elora – that was actually the most helpful thing you’ve done this whole summer,” Clayton says through a half-smile and a wink.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Dad says. “Let’s not forget who took you to youth group on Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday nights all summer long. I’m pretty sure Elora drove you to the youth retreat and all the other events that made your summer so great, bud,” Dad antes up his own wink to the discussion.

“You’re right. Thanks for the reminder, Dad. And thank you, Elora, for the great summer and also the great verse that is already calming me down,” Clayton states, now visibly relaxed.

The next morning, Elora enters the kitchen to make herself breakfast and a sack lunch for the first day of school. To her surprise, Clayton is already dressed, eating a bowl of cereal. There are two sack lunches on the counter and a bowl of dry cereal at the spot to his right. “Good morning,” Elora says with obvious shock and confusion in her tone.

“Good morning, Elora. Your breakfast is here on the table and I already made your lunch,” Clayton announces. His demeanor from yesterday now feels like the distant past. Clayton sits at the table with his back straight and head held high. He looks much more confident.

“You look ready to tackle your first day of high school, bud,” Elora says. “I honestly looked way more terrified on my first day than you do right now. Are you ready for the lion’s den?” Elora asks, smiling.

Clayton says, “I fell asleep reciting Joshua 1:9 last night. When I woke up this morning, I felt like I could take on the world…or high school.”

Weekly Bible Verse: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
‭‭-Joshua‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Note to Nibble: When you feel buried in fear, remember the Lord of all creation goes before you and stands behind you. With the Lord in your heart, there’s nothing you can’t face.

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